Buddhism & more, in Manipur
Its not neccessarily connected with the content of this particular article.
Manipur is a state in North-East India and like many is not necessarily very happy. Recently, its in the news because of the excesses of some army people. Generally, it seems to me that even thought the British left India, the 'babus' of India have treated every other state (especially those different from their own) like their little colonies. First, not empowering people. Next, not accepting the differences. And then not respecting these differences. Still, people remain rather tolerant (or is there some other word for that response?)... giving space to each other for some solution to our issues. And I hope there is one in the coming future. else, too much time has gone by ... too many people's aspirations confused.
Anyways, I spotted a nice article on the Manipur forum site e-pao.net and summarise it below. More if you click the link at the end.
Buddhism in Manipur , by Prof. M.S. Ningombam
"Buddhism in Manipur has never been well developed in spite of its geographical proximity with Myanmar. The people of Myanmar are of Mongoloid stock, having similarities in the social practices with the people of neighboring country in absence of caste system, agrarian life style, and women's role in society, beliefs and temperament with the people of Manipur. But the elements of Buddhism are found far and wide in the hills and valley of Manipur long before the advent of Hinduism. The Epic narrative of Khamba and Thoibi, the folk tale of a boy who became a king of Burma, Mitay chronicle of Nongpok Haaram (a record of the migration of people from the east), to mention a few are examples of close relationship of the people of the two sides. The migration of the people of Shan origin in large number is also a historical fact...
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